Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog #7

Road sign saying Dream and Believe

I have seen this video before in one of my classes last semester. This lecture really inspires people and makes them want to achieve theirs dreams. Randy Pausch’s has a great way to keep his audience interested.

During the first part of “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams” the audience is informed that Randy is suffering from pancreatic cancer. This didn’t stop Randy Pausch from having an extraordinary spirit and share his dreams and teach us all a lesson.

Throughout his lecture we discover that Randy achieved all his childhood dreams, somehow, he didn’t give up at the brick wall he fought for what he wanted.
As a future teacher I personally learned a lot from this lecture as it inspired me to tell my students to chase their dreams and not give up. Mr. Pausch was a professor before becoming an Imagineer at Disney, and he always made his lessons creative and fun for his students. This helped the students to get motivated and learned at the same time.

I think that everybody should see this lecture, as it is very inspiring. After watching it I wanted to go out there and start achieving my dreams. Life is short and we should get to most out of it. I also believe that this lecture should be shown to people who are ill as I think it will give them hope of achieving some of their childhood dreams or even make then think positive about the few months left of their lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eloise!

    I agree with you about Dr. Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. It really was incredibly inspiring and just great all around! Unlike you, this was the first time I had seen this video and I am very glad I was informed about it and able to watch it.

    Wonderful man!
